English: A Picture of a eBook (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Okay, we're a little far away from the holiday season, but summer is a great time to start reading. Here are a few announcements from awhile ago to get you in the reading mood. So grab your favorite author's most recent book, and enjoy the nice weather and a nice story.
BookWise Associates cheered at the First Annual BookWise
Convention last week as 11 Major Announcements were made.
Here they are:
Announcement 1 - Over 1 Million Products
Starting December 2007, Associates will be able to offer well over one and half million books, DVDs, CDs, and games will be added in 2008! BookWise announced their partnership with Baker and Taylor, the world's largest distributor of Entertainment. This gives Associates the advantage of a huge selection, broader categories, better service and faster delivery. PLUS, they are the largest supplier of textbooks, supplying more the 80% of college campuses.
Announcement 2 - Your Own Bookstore
Starting in December Associates (like myself)will have their very own BOOKSTORE which will offer:
==> A selection of 1.5 million titles of books, DVD's, CD's and games.
==> Fast, competitive shipping
==> Competitive prices - without an annual fee.
==> A better world - 1% goes to charity
==> Personal Touch
Bookstore customers receive Compact Classics
Fully downloadble eBook for their use
Fully downloadable AudioBook
BookWise shares 50% of profits with Associates. 40% to you, the bookstore owner and 10% to your enroller.
Announcement 3 - BookWise Classics
More Bundle of Benefits - BookWise Classics, which is a 2 page summary of the entire book
A fully downloadable eBook for your use
A fully downloadable AudioBook
Announcement 4 - Wisdom Link
WisdomLink includes over 4,000 eBooks 100,000 source documents, which are fully searchable. What college student wouldn't love to tap into that?
Announcement 5 - HeartWin and YouWin
The addition of HeartWin and YouWin to the Bundle of Benefits. HeartWin offers expert mentors with specific advice on how to improve all the relationships in your life. YouWin offers expert mentors to teach you how to build inner wealth with specific advice on getting your act together. These are FREE to Associates.
Announcement 6 - Successful People Seminar
Successful People Seminars - 2 Day Live Seminars by the world's experts on HeartWin, WealthWin and YouWin. This seminar is valued at $995 and is FREE to Associates, it is included in your Bundle of Benefits.
Announcement7 - Global Leadership Bonus
Starting January 1, 2008, $1.00 of every BookWise membership fee will be directed to a quarterly leadership bonus pool.
Announcement8 - QuickWise Training
General training for new Associates and walks through the fundamentals of BookWise.
Announcement9 - BookWise Pro
BookWise Pro is a beautiful lead generating website and an additional tool to build and market your business.
Announcement10 - BookWise Publishing
BookWise encourages you to write your own book. The monthly AuthorWise call that teaches the basics of book writing, marketing and publishing is already included in the BookWise Package of Benefits. WriteWise is a fast track! Become a successful author faster and smarter. A few of the perks of WriteWise are:
==> Your book will be finished in 2008
==> Rick and Bob will write your forword and endorse your book.
==> BookWise guarantees to publish your book, it will be edited, designed and you'll receive 50 copies of your book.
==> You'll learn how to market your book and we'll personally introduce you to the publishing world. Tuition is $3995.
Announcement11 - Canada
BookWise is going to Canada! 2nd Quarter of 2008. More information to come.
Here they are:
Announcement 1 - Over 1 Million Products
Starting December 2007, Associates will be able to offer well over one and half million books, DVDs, CDs, and games will be added in 2008! BookWise announced their partnership with Baker and Taylor, the world's largest distributor of Entertainment. This gives Associates the advantage of a huge selection, broader categories, better service and faster delivery. PLUS, they are the largest supplier of textbooks, supplying more the 80% of college campuses.
Announcement 2 - Your Own Bookstore
Starting in December Associates (like myself)will have their very own BOOKSTORE which will offer:
==> A selection of 1.5 million titles of books, DVD's, CD's and games.
==> Fast, competitive shipping
==> Competitive prices - without an annual fee.
==> A better world - 1% goes to charity
==> Personal Touch
Bookstore customers receive Compact Classics
Fully downloadble eBook for their use
Fully downloadable AudioBook
BookWise shares 50% of profits with Associates. 40% to you, the bookstore owner and 10% to your enroller.
Announcement 3 - BookWise Classics
More Bundle of Benefits - BookWise Classics, which is a 2 page summary of the entire book
A fully downloadable eBook for your use
A fully downloadable AudioBook
Announcement 4 - Wisdom Link
WisdomLink includes over 4,000 eBooks 100,000 source documents, which are fully searchable. What college student wouldn't love to tap into that?
Announcement 5 - HeartWin and YouWin
The addition of HeartWin and YouWin to the Bundle of Benefits. HeartWin offers expert mentors with specific advice on how to improve all the relationships in your life. YouWin offers expert mentors to teach you how to build inner wealth with specific advice on getting your act together. These are FREE to Associates.
Announcement 6 - Successful People Seminar
Successful People Seminars - 2 Day Live Seminars by the world's experts on HeartWin, WealthWin and YouWin. This seminar is valued at $995 and is FREE to Associates, it is included in your Bundle of Benefits.
Announcement7 - Global Leadership Bonus
Starting January 1, 2008, $1.00 of every BookWise membership fee will be directed to a quarterly leadership bonus pool.
Announcement8 - QuickWise Training
General training for new Associates and walks through the fundamentals of BookWise.
Announcement9 - BookWise Pro
BookWise Pro is a beautiful lead generating website and an additional tool to build and market your business.
Announcement10 - BookWise Publishing
BookWise encourages you to write your own book. The monthly AuthorWise call that teaches the basics of book writing, marketing and publishing is already included in the BookWise Package of Benefits. WriteWise is a fast track! Become a successful author faster and smarter. A few of the perks of WriteWise are:
==> Your book will be finished in 2008
==> Rick and Bob will write your forword and endorse your book.
==> BookWise guarantees to publish your book, it will be edited, designed and you'll receive 50 copies of your book.
==> You'll learn how to market your book and we'll personally introduce you to the publishing world. Tuition is $3995.
Announcement11 - Canada
BookWise is going to Canada! 2nd Quarter of 2008. More information to come.